Plastics Be Gone Header NOAA version copy.png

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Mapping Plastic Pollution and Ocean Trash

OOG Survey Screen Shot.png (Copy as jpg)To effectively begin cleaning up the ocean, we need to know where trash comes from, where it ends up, and how it gets there. The map below identifies three key elements:

  • The locations of that trash
  • The major sources of trash (ten rivers and five countries)
  • Ocean current visualizations that indicate how trash might have arrived at its final location

The interactive map below allows you to zoom in and out, chose various current information, and gain information about beaches around the world that are known to regularly accumulate trash and plastic. By clicking on the icon representing any beach or coastal area you can see an image, a summary of the problem in that area, what is being done, and links to addtional resources. In addition, you can change the base imagery by clicking on the thumbnail in the lower left corner.

To add another location to the map, read the information in the box on the right and then click on the survey link. You will be able to identify the location on a map and after completing a short survey, your submission will be ready for submission and review by OpenOceans Global's team.




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