Welcome to OOG's Plastic Be Gone Community!
Together we can stop the flows of ocean trash to the ocean
Click a point on the interactive map below and
find the source of the trash on your beach.
Trash and plastic trash in particular have become critical to the future of the ocean. Most efforts have been focused on the trash in the ocean gyres and recycling or replacing plastic products. At OpenOceans Global, we think it equally important to identify where trash ends up on our beaches and coastlines and where it came from.
"If your sewer line broke in your bathroom, you wouldn't look for the newest mopping technology, you would shut off the source. The same goes for ocean trash."Plastics Be Gonesm intends to gather the sources and ultimate fate of the world's ocean trash the organizations and people working on solving the problem, and the long-term solutions that will stop th flow of trash into the oceans that ultimately accumulates on beaches and coastlines around the world and in the ocean gyres.
In addition, this site will contain akey sources of information about trash, compile a mailing list, and regularly report on the status of solutions to the ocean trash dilemma.
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